
News – Latest…

After months of  quietude here at Monomatic development blog central, Lewis has finally found time to update and rationalise the WordPress backend, give the site a bit of a thematic facelift, categorise and tag the existing entries and post about recent Monomatic projects…

Development for  the Modular Music Box should really have been posted from May ’10… and for PEAL @ Kinetica Art Fair 10 from Jan ’10…

Better late than never…

MonoScape – monome meets 3D-AudioScape

Nick Rothwell has developed an application for a monome64 to trigger and position sounds within the Illustrious’ 3D-AudioScape surround sound system.


My camera can’t quite capture all the button flashes – but you get the idea…

There’s an initial schematic of the button layout and functionality as PDF… though this was just a starting point and has since been superseded.

Nick used shado – his own open-source compositing and sprite library – to enable the monome to trigger up to eight individual sounds (via MIDI note-on on separate MIDI channels), set their volume  (controller #7) and allow each to be positioned both within the x-y plane (controllers #2 & #3) and z plane (controller #4) of the sound field (3D-AudioScape is unique in that it also has a z-axis positional component due to its two rings of speakers – one on the ground and one in the air). The app also has a mode for calibrating the output of the monome64 accelerometer to allow the position of a sound in the x-y plane to be controlled via tilt.



In brief… it’s been more than a while since our last post…

Lewis got caught up with work for Martyn Ware’s Illustrious Company from May 08 – producing and coordinating a range of sonically themed projects…

Ant started a new job at at the Oslo School of Architecture & Design in Jan 09…

“So many ideas. So little time.”

But we do want to move things forward – even in modest ways – and so have resolved to work together on our earliest idea – discome. Now if Ant can only get a version of Director installed on his new Oslo School laptop 😉

We also plan to invite others to join us under the monomatic umbrella to work on specific projects:

  • So Nick Rothwell (perhaps with a bit of input from Jules Rawlinson) is going to co-develop the Monome meets 3D-AudioScape;
  • and possibly Daniel Jones is going to help realise the idea of a a collaborative, networked,  multi-monome type thing  – which seems not to have much mention in this blog other than as occasional references to our first-step ‘get the networking working’ idea of Battleships – which subsequently morphed into squidsoup’s Stealth Project

More news soon…