Archive for July, 2009
PEAL – Lewis’ Update
Interesting possibilities emerging for triggering and synchronising video via the in-house Alpine McBride Video Binloop 16 track video player which uses Compact Flash cards…
Steady progress… still some things outstanding according to my reQall list… but hoping to catch up this week.
1. Confirming Church participation and dates for visits and filming.
a) I’ve already visited St Peters Church aka Leeds Parish Church (LPC)
St Peter’s Church (Leeds Parish Church), Kirkgate, LS2 7DJ
12 bells
Practice: Thurs 7:30
Visit: Thursday, 9th July, 7.30-9pm
Filming: either Sunday, 9th or Sunday 16th August, 1-6pm
b) Through Steve Ollerton, Tower captain at St Peters (Leeds Parish Church) I’ve now made contact and arranged a visit and reconnoiter with a further three churches:
Designing a Virtual Campanile: Hardware
(Serving suggestion.)
Some initial thoughts about the hardware construction of the campanile.
We are thinking about an eight-bell setup, with eight ringing posts, one for each bell. Each post has to be able to sense a ringing gesture, and to display the state of the bell (in other words, its position). Although physical bells are completely independent (I assume: is there any kind of physical interaction between them as they ring?), PEAL requires a central processing unit in order to display and animate ringing patterns. So: how independent are the ringing posts? How much of a brain does each one have? (more…)
Powers of reQall (yes I know… giggle)
Nick and I are trying out reQall “a voice-enabled memory aid that seamlessly integrates your mobile phone, email, text messaging and IM into a powerful organizer, reminder system and productivity assistant.”
I like the idea of a tool used for a specific project – and with reQall its easy to add notes, To-Dos and shopping list items via text, voice, email and IM – and share these with others – which seems ideal for a creative and collective project like PEAL – and a good way to document our development too.
What’s more you can publish your Reqall items through an RSS feed – here’s Lewis’s Reqall items for example.
Posting to the Monomatic blog via Flickr email…

Posting to the Monomatic blog via Flickr email…, originally uploaded by Monomatic-flickr.
Leeds City Museum – shot with my iPhone
This is a test to see how a rich text formatted email actually looks
on the Monomatic blog… and whether it’s possible to include photos
and add attachments – such as this audio recording of the bell ringing
practice session at St Peter’s Church made using Voice Notes on my
Well the photo loads OK – bar the black border – which must be configurable in the Flickr settings (but which I actually quite like) – though (unsurprisingly) the Rich Text formatting in the email doesn’t translate and the audio file hasn’t materialised… but as a ‘quick and dirty’ way to post it could be useful.
Lewis went to Leeds on Thursday, 9th July to…
- Visit the Leeds City Museum and discuss technicalities with Tom Pace, Senior AV Technician
- Meet with Sue Ball from MAAP
- Visit Leeds Parish Church for a practice bell ringing session and meet with Steve Ollerton, Tower Captain and the group
- Visit other possible churches – time permitting…
Resulting in the following notes (they’re quite extensive – sorry):
Monomatic on Flickr ;-)
In setting up the Monomatic Flickr account I came across this existing and unintentionally hilarious Monomatic listing on Flickr (part of the fantastic ‘Old Airport’ set in Mirsasha’s photostream)… look at the name badge – “Push to Flush” just has to be the name of our first album 😉