Archive for February, 2008

Getting the Monome to sing…


The Monome is easy to communicate with and fast, and it’s really nice to have a computer interface that looks and feels right.

Made a 1 bit 8×8 webcam display out of it as a test. It’s quite fast too.

discome (I Feel Love)

As part of discome project I’m working on a version of Donna Summer’s 1977 disco classic I Feel Love


Here’s an interesting Wikipedia article on the track… which says that this is the first disco-style song recorded with an entirely synthesized backing track!

In attempting to de/reconstruct it in Ableton Live I’ve come to realise what a groundbreaking production Giorgio Moroder and Pete Bellotte actually created for its time. There is so much complexity and subtlety within what initially seems to be the fairly straightforward instrumentation and arrangement – which is why I suppose it’s such a classic and timeless track – der! So I’ve resolved to do my upmost to create a worthy monomatic version to reflect this… something I’ve just not found in those few remixes and reworkings I’ve actually listened to – of which there are very, very many…

Here’s the orginal… and my working rough…


(this is just a first draft instrumentation and arrangement and is far from finished… but it’s coming along well I think)

Next I’ll be attempting to create robotic renditions of the main and harmony vocal lines using Repeat After Me 1.3 – Apple’s phonetic Text To Speech app bundled in the OS X Leopard Developer Tools.

interesting monome visualisation patches 'n hacks

old vid patches:

these are the two old 1bit video patches. they need jitter, and my auth
ran out, so i haven't tested them. i updated the osc objects to 4.6.

Stupid sprite generator for the 40h:

Just put my 40h kit in a box, and am starting to get a grasp on how to talk
to it, so to test things out i whipped up an incredibly stupid sprite generator.
Might be worth a few laughs, probably not more.

Per led intensity, video [modified firmware]:

I wanted per led intensity, so I hacked a bit in the firmware and voilà.
I can now adjust the intensity from 0 to 15 on each diode.

aacd : Atari ASCII Character Display:

...silly little app that I wrote to display the old Atari ASCII variant
character set

Disco dancefloor application:

Some of you might have seen the Daft Punk LED table made by Habitat.
It has a music input that makes the table look like a old school dancefloor.
look here


discome is the meeting point between the minimalist interfaces of monome and the pixelised design of sensomatic’s discomatic.

The momome is a beautifully designed, hand-crafted, minimalist interactive interface for controlling and monitoring pretty much anything audio, visual and beyond… a reconfigurable grid of backlit keypads which connects to a computer. Interaction between the keys and lights is determined by the application running on the computer – there is no hard-wired functionality.

discomatic is a graphic design project which aims to build an entire dancing robot army for world domination and flood the world with disco!

discome brings them together – using the interactive interface of the monome to control and respond to 21st century disco music and the funky dancing of the discomatic robot – for endless hours of realtime disco fun!